I Beat that game unter 5 min, but now i need to wait like 30 min for the rest of awards. Why didnt you make aword for under 50 shots or something?
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I Beat that game unter 5 min, but now i need to wait like 30 min for the rest of awards. Why didnt you make aword for under 50 shots or something?
nice try bloodelf419
my record is 10619836,8
beat that than we can talk.
FUN game! I love this! Its the time worth!
Nice idea but...
This game is not the medals worth, you need to play the game for over 12h to get them all, so its not worth it. You have realy skills in Flash make some kickASS game! I think you could make much more than this!
NIce one!
But i dont get one thing ^^ what about that "Artifatc 19" thing does anybody know how do i get it? pms please =)
yO ^.^,,|,, what`z uP?
Age 35, Male
Joined on 5/4/08